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荷兰 Holand (2)  

2007-10-15 04:33:22|  分类: 欧洲●荷兰 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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荷 兰 Holand (1)
  • Dam 坝

    Netherlands has so many places whose name ends with 'dam'. It's not difficult to understand that because the whole country is almost below the sea level, so it needs a lot of 'dams' to protect from the water, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Volendam, Zaandam..there are the names of dams:)

  • Den Haag 海牙

    I prefer Den Haag to Amsterdam. Den Haag is the third-largest city in the Netherlands after Amsterdam and Rotterdam. It is a very clean city. I remember that there is one road from the museum to the Binnenhof , the road is so wide. There are old-styled buildings and a lot of phoenix trees on both sides of the road, the trees are so high and the leaves almost block the sky, the light filtered by the leaves on the road like stars, yellow leaves on the green grass, which is the most important, there are very very few people on this road! walking slowly on the road, I feel so prefect, it seems I owned everything around me, so romantic:) In the end of the road, it's the Binnenhof, which is the political center of The Netherlands. I love it at the first sight, oh, my god! The Swan Lake! The whole castle is mirrored by the beautiful lake, some ducks swimming in the lake are just like waiting for their prince to invite them dancing inside, it is a wonderful world as I imaging in the fairy tale.
    相对于阿姆斯特丹,我更偏爱海牙。海牙是荷兰排在阿姆斯特丹和鹿特丹之后第三大的城市。一个非常干净的城市。 我记得有条从Binnenhof通向博物馆的路,路很宽,两边全是非常漂亮的古典建筑,路旁的梧桐很高大,树枝向路的中间伸展,光线透过叶子落在地上就像天上的星星一样,绿色的草地上铺满了黄色的落叶,最关键的是,这条路上几乎没人!一个人慢慢走在宽阔的路上,静静的走,感觉太完美了,好像我拥有身边这一切,令人神醉!路的尽头就是Binneenhof,我看到它的第一眼就感觉,哇,天鹅湖!那个城堡,还有湖,整个城堡倒影在水中,还有小鸭子在里面游,让人感觉就像等待王子带他们进去跳舞,太美了,简直就是童话...

    I have to say sorry that I have broken my DC on that Saturday, so I have to paste some pictures of Den Haags captured by others instead.

    荷兰 Holand (2) - 清韵 - 清韵的博客
    International Court of Justice
    荷兰 Holand (2) - 清韵 - 清韵的博客
    Noordeinde Palace
    荷兰 Holand (2) - 清韵 - 清韵的博客
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